Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer FUN!

My list of some summer fun and I want to share it all with you. Now just trying to decide what to do first. WE all know how summer goes, all kids all the time.....So I will post something everyday but it might just be something funny, beautiful, sad, cute, stylish or just a shot from the beach I was at that day! Summer Starts now! Not as much time to craft but time to collect!"The Mill" is a little vintage beach shop, offering collectables and nic-knacks. They have a huge collection of glass fishing floats. I could have spent the whole day just looking at everything in the store. One of my favorite things about this store were the rosters roaming around. It was a ton of fun for the kids. I found some great finds for upcoming posts. This summer take your kids to an antique store, it's great to hear what they think of some of that old stuff.

{Glass floats, glass fishing floats, or Japanese glass fishing floats: are popular collectors’ items. They were once used by fishermen in many parts of the world to keep their nets afloat. Large groups of fishnets strung together, sometimes 50 miles (80 km) long, were set adrift in the ocean and supported near the surface by hollow glass balls or cylinders containing air to give them buoyancy.

These glass floats are no longer being used by fishermen, but many of them are still afloat in the world's oceans, primarily the Pacific. They have become a popular collectors’ item for beachcombers and decorators. Replicas are also being manufactured.}

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