Sunday, June 5, 2011

Got party decor?

After a really long trip to target and the grocery store I only unpacked a half dozen boxes and organized one closet. I'm so much happier to be blogging right now, even if all my kids are in my bed with me due to a really loud thunderstorm. I thought this would be easy to do...a blog post a day but it's harder than I thought. Choosing what to post that is. The options are endless but I want to blog on things I'm actually doing so as I get through a few more rooms of boxes I will get on that but for now you get post I dream of doing. I really want to be planning a party so today I'm posting some really cute party decor that I cant wait to use!

Wall Flowers that are soooo cute I'm making some to hang in my daughters room...These are made from paper napkins, you can view a great tutorial at "Dana made it".

Ok hold your pom-poms because the next party decor idea will ruffle your creative feathers!
Ruffled streamers!
So, I guess I should work on the office and craft room tomorrow, cant wait to stitch up some fun party decor. Maybe we will have a Luau!
p.s. I'll only post my pics in the pink frame....

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