Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Crapy Tie Onsie!

Father's Day is coming up and instead of your kids buying dear Dad a tie (lets face it he doesn't wear them and even if he did it's kind of a lame gift) why dont you make funny shirts with ties. I think it would be cute to make the whole family one. I made this one for my son the morning of HIS School doughnuts with DAD. I made it out of an old pair of my husbands PJ'S. My son loves the shirt so much he wants to wear it everyday! I usually put a collared shirt over it, leaving it open. I did photograph steps to make it but I want to tell y'all about a really cute blog so I will direct you there for the tutorial. Its a great blog called "Crap I've Made", I love the title of her's great! Funny too because I rushed my sons so he could wear it that day and it's kind of crappy! Oh by the way I think every child should play with Tinker Toys and practice being little engineers.

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